2nd Joint Nordic Meeting on Remediation of Contaminated Sites
September 24-25, 2008, Helsinki Finland
The presentations of NORDROCS 2008 are now available at the meeting’s web pages. The following link brings you direktly to the presentations: Link
The objective of NORDROCS is to address issues on contaminated site remediation and assessment in the context of Nordic conditions. The meeting intends to provide a forum for the exchange of information gathered through research and project experience. Target groups include consultants, contractors, scientists, regulators and other professionals working with contaminated sites in Nordic countries and in countries around the Baltic Sea.
1) Impact of eu directives on current policies and
legislation in the Nordic countries
2) Risk assessment
3) Remediation of chlorinated solvents, organic pollutants and metal contamination
5) Monitoring
6) Decision support tools
7) Re-use of contaminated soil
8) Sediments
Visit MUTKU-website for up to date information and registration
Anmälan före 12 juni ger 150 euro i rabatt på konferenskostnaden
(€ 450 istället för € 600).
Program för konferensen hittas också på konferensens hemsida.
Dagen innan Nordrocs dvs. 23 september ges även en kurs om biologisk nedbrytning av klorerade kolväten i grundvatten ”Accelerated Bioremediation of Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater” av Geosyntec. Anmälan före 31 maj € 175, efter 31 maj € 225.
Kort beskrivning av kursen finns på: Länk